Keto Recipes
- Shredded gouda or shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cup/200 g/7 oz
- Butter 1 TBS
- Almond meal/flour ½ cup/50g/1.8 oz
- Coconut flour ¼ cup/27 g/0.95 oz
- Salt 1 pinch
- Sesame seeds 1 TBS + 1 TBS to sprinkle (optional)
- Pinch of dried oregano
- Pinch of powdered garlic
- Other spices optional (chili flakes, paprika, dried basil)
- In a microwave safe bowl, mix grated cheese with 1 TBS of butter, almond flour, coconut flour, sesame seeds, pinch of salt, pinch of garlic, herbs and sesame seeds.
- Microwave on high for 1 minute. Remove from microwave, stir well all the ingredients and knead the dough with your hands. If it’s still not possible to knead, microwave for 30 seconds more and then knead the dough.
- Role the dough on a parchment paper and sprinkle with 1 TBS of sesame seeds if you like.
- Cut the crackers in a shape you prefer. If you want your crackers to look fancy and want to use them for canapés, cut them round.
- If you just want to have crackers without leftovers cut in cubes or triangles.
- Bake on 190 C/375 F for 8 – 15 minutes (depends on your oven) until baked and golden brown.
- Enjoy!