Air Fryer Recipes

Banana Cake with Chocolate Chips


  • Eggs | 3 unit(s)Ripe dwarf bananas | 3 unit(s)Coconut oil | 1/2 cupCinnamon powder | 1 tablespoonBaking soda | 1 teaspoonApple Cider Vinegar | 2 teaspoonVanilla essence | 1 teaspoonOat flakes | 2 cup70% dark chocolate, chopped | 200 gBanana in slices | 1 unit(s)


  • Place the eggs, coconut oil, vanilla, bananas, cinnamon, vinegar in a blender and blend until smooth.Finally, add the oats, the bicarbonate and beat for another 3 minutes.Place on a platter and add the chopped chocolate.Grease a small pan, put the dough in the pan and add the sliced bananas and some chopped chocolate.Place in a preheated oven at 160° and bake for 25 minutes or until golden.
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