Weight Watchers Recipes

Secret Recipe Eggs (Scrambled AND Fried!)

0 SP Blue / 2 SP Green / 0 SP Purple


  • 1 farm fresh egg (or at least a happy chicken tushy free range egg)
  • 1/8 cup prepared egg whites (I use Trader Joe’s Cage Free Egg Whites)
  • 1/8 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk (I use Trader Joe’s brand…are you starting to see a trend?)
  • 1 Tbsp fat free Ricotta Cheese (wanna guess?  yep, I use TJ brand)
  • 1/2 Tbsp Bragg Nutritional Yeast
  • Smart Balance Non Stick Spray
  • Optional – 1 Tbsp crumbled bacon or 1 crispy cooked slice bacon crumbled
  • Optional for sandwich – 2 slices high fiber low point bread like Healthy Life Flaxseed 
  • Optional for sandwich – 2 tsp Smart Balance Light Mayo 
  • or transform using one of my many Egg Mug Recipes like (just be sure you adjust points plus accordingly):


For both versions:  Spray and heat non stick skillet to medium.  In at least a two cup measuring cup (I use glass so I can see) add all but the optional ingredients and using a fork or whisk mix together fairly vigorously until egg yolk is beaten and the ricotta is in little chunks.  The ricotta will never be completely mixed in, that’s ok!  Pour mixture into the heated skillet.

For Secret Recipe Scrambled Eggs:  let eggs cook approximately 2-3 minutes and then using a non metal spatula begin to gently scrape and “scramble”.  Add any optional ingredients and continue to scrape/scramble for 3 more minutes or until all the egg is set and just done.  Do NOT overcook these fluffy beauties.  Serve immediately.

For Secret Recipe Fried Eggs:  let eggs cook approximately 2-3 minutes or until the surface is just starting to set.  Add any optional ingredients and flip the entire thing over.  This may or may not be pretty…I am not a professional chef and I don’t even play one on tv so mine usually end up in two or three “sheets” when I flip.  It’s ok, you’re getting ready to devour the entire thing anyway and it’s not like The Test Kitchen is headed to your house to critique your method.  Cook an additional 2-3 minutes and serve immediately.

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