Vegan Recipes

Mushroom Stroganoff Pasta Bake

Ingredients (serves 2)

▪️ 500g mushrooms (I used chestnut)

▪️ 1 red onion

▪️ 2 garlic gloves

▪️ 1 tbsp olive oil

▪️ 1 tsp Dijon mustard

▪️ 1 tsp paprika

▪️ 1 can coconut milk(full fat)

▪️ ½ juice lemon

▪️ handful fresh parsley

▪️ 250g pasta (I used brown rice, gluten-free)

1️⃣ Firstly, slice up the mushrooms, dice the onion and garlic

2️⃣ Heat a non stick pan with olive oil adding in the mushrooms, onion, garlic and fry together until the mushrooms soften roughly 5 minutes

3️⃣ Now add in the mustard + paprika + coconut milk + lemon juice + parsley + raw pasta and stir and simmer together for 5 minutes

4️⃣ Finally, pour the pasta mix into an oven proof baking dish and bake at 200C (fan oven) 390F for 15 minutes


➡️ Not gluten free? Simply use any pasta you want

➡️ What can I use instead of coconut milk? You could try soya or oat cream with added water (sorry I haven’t tested it)

➡️ Can I use any mushrooms? Yes, any will work fine so use what you have

➡️ Is the pasta cooked when adding to the sauce? No, you add the raw pasta to the mushroom sauce it will then soften whilst it simmers and when baked!

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