Air Fryer Recipes

Effortless way to make giant Yorkshire puddings in 20 minutes – no oven needed

Sunday dinners aren’t the same without Yorkshire puddings and here’s a simple four-ingredient recipe that costs less than 40p.

Making Yorkshire puddings the traditional way can take up to an hour; having to make the batter, let air bubbles form and then 20-30 minutes of cooking time in an oven. With the air fryer, however, mini or giant Yorkshire puddings can be made from start to finish in less than 20 minutes – and using much less electricity. 

“A Yorkshire pudding recipe is so straightforward, it’s 100g of plain flour, two eggs, and 100ml of milk.” 

Making Yorkshire puddings the traditional way can take up to an hour; having to make the batter, let air bubbles form and then 20-30 minutes of cooking time in an oven. With the air fryer, however, mini or giant Yorkshire puddings can be made from start to finish in less than 20 minutes – and using much less electricity. 

She shared a video with her 83.5k followers and explained the steps: “Let’s make Yorkshire puddings in the air fryer. 

“This giant Yorkshire pudding costs just 40p,” viewers were told. 

“A Yorkshire pudding recipe is so straightforward, it’s 100g of plain flour, two eggs, and 100ml of milk.” 

Once all the ingredients are weighed, whisk them in a bowl until air bubbles form on the surfa

Meanwhile, using an oven-safe ceramic dish or glass bowl, add an inch of oil – vegetable is fine – and place the dish into the air fryer. 

@thismumcooks continued: “Allow the oil to heat up in the air fryer for about three minutes and then add the mixture.

“Set the air fryer to 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes – but do not open the drawer. 

“And you’ve got yourself an absolutely perfect Yorkshire pud!” She exclaimed. 

@thismumcooks added a few extra tips in the comments: “So easy and absolutely delicious. 

“A bit trial and error if your air fryer is like mine and you can’t see inside it is hard to leave it be.” 

Anyone looking to make smaller Yorkshire puddings, instead of a giant one that gets cut up for serving, there are a few ways to do this. 

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