Weight Watchers Recipes


Makes 8 servings

3 eggs
3 cups non fat greek yogurt (I prefer Fage 0%)
1 small box instant fat free/sugar free cheesecake of vanilla pudding mix
1 tbsp imitation vanilla
3 tbsp Stevia
Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a medium sized mixing bowl, add eggs, vanilla, and stevia until blended well

Add in yogurt and box of pudding until well combined

Spray a pie dish or 9 inch spring form pan with non stick cooking spray and pour ingredients in

Bake for 30 minutes

Let cool for 15-20 minutes before covering with plastic wrap

Chill overnight in the refrigerator

it’s 0 point without crust. here is the crust recipe if you want crust recipe click here. use recipe builder to calculate points for you

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