Vegan Recipes

Stuffed red bell peppers

First, I caramelized 3 large onions with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. Then I added 200 gr basmati rice and 100 gr boiled water and cooked everything together until the rice has completely absorbed the water. (the filling should be half cooked because it will cook further in pepper) then added parsley(40gr), dill(40gr), 1 tea spoon dried mint, salt and black pepper. Then I filled the stuff in to the bell peppers, put the peppers in to a pot with 400gr boiled, salted water which mixed with 2 table spoon tomato paste and 3 table spoon olive oil and cook for 40 minutes. The important tip is: The peppers must be salted internally before cooking, otherwise they become bland and unsalted.

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