Maple caramel rolls w/Salted Maple Coffee dipping sauce

A can of Annie’s cinnamon rolls plus the devil’s lettuce and about an hour later this.
Decided to go the caramel roll route. Added brown sugar, maple syrup, coconut oil, raisins, and the rolls to a baking dish. Into the oven it goes, easy peasy.
Check on rolls a few minutes in. They are DROWNING in coconut oil. I drain off what I can, and stick the rolls back in the oven. At this point there’s still a fair amount of oil in the pan, so I said a prayer to St Tabitha for her vegan guidance.
I wound up dousing the rolls in the coconut oil as it baked, and then dropped it to a lower rack. Things were looking up. St. Tabitha pulls through!
The end result is like a caramel roll cousin of monkey bread. Basically I simultaneously baked and fried the rolls, and it’s amazing.
Sorry Annie, but that amount of icing isn’t enough for this guy. Mixed the icing with maple syrup, cinnamon, maple coffee (taste like Dunkin donuts icing), the previously poured off brown sugary coconut oil, pink Himalayan salt, and powdered sugar. Used this as a dipping sauce.