Keto Recipes

Low Carb Cheese Dinner Roll Hack

These rolls are so delicious and taste like a famous restaurants roll hack! This recipe is not mine but you can find it on the box of Carbquick complete biscuit and baking mix.
2 Cups Carbquick
2 oz butter (very cold -cut in small pieces)
1/2 Cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 Cup heavy cream
1/4 Cup water
Pinch salt
Pinch garlic powder
Mix Carbquick and Butter with fork or 2 knives to make a crumble. Add the rest of the ingredients, if it though is too hard or crumbly add a little more cream.
Mix with your hands and drop 10 small rolls onto greased baking sheet. I left mine chunky so they get very crisp! Bake in a 450° oven for 8 to 10 minutes.
And enjoy! – these taste better when warm. keep in the fridge and reheat.
Each rolls contains:
Carbs- about 2 net
Calories- about 134
Protein- about 2.4
Fat- about 12gm

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