Keto Recipes

Keto Cheesecake Brownie Cupcakes


8oz cream cheese
1/3c Monk Fruit
1 egg
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1 pkg CarbRite Brownie Mix
(Add 3 eggs, 1 tsp water, 1/2c melted coconut oil)

Use hand mixer to mix softened cream cheese, monk fruit, egg & vanilla extract until creamy.
Prepare brownie mix according to pkg (2-3 eggs depending on the cake texture you want).
Put 1 scoop of brownie mix into silicon muffin cup and add 1 scoop of cheesecake mixture. Bake at 325* for 23 mins.
Made 18 cupcakes!
Macros Per Cupcake:
Calories: 184
Fat: 12.7g
Net Carbs: 1.1 / Total Carbs:

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