Food & Recipes

Easy fruit cake

4oz marg or butter

6oz sugar

14oz mixed dried fruit of your choice (cranberries, cherries, currants, mixed peel, sultanas etc)

1 cup of water

Good slug of Brandy (half a cup)

1 teasp bicarb of soda

1 heaped teasp mixed spice

Half teasp cinnamon

Put all above in large saucepan. Bring to boil then simmer for approx 1 min. Leave to cool.

When totally cool add

4ozs S R flour

4ozs Plain flour

2 beaten eggs

Mix well.

Divide mix between two 1lb loaf tins lined with paper loaf/cake liners/greaseproof paper. Bake, Crisper plate out, 150 for 40- 45mins. (I placed crisper tray on top after 20mins to prevent top burning). Check inserted skewer comes out clean. Once cool. Wrap in tin foil to store.

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