Weight Watchers Recipes
Chocolate fudge brownies with chocolate hummus frosting

This recipe is 4 weight watchers points per slice, 12 slices per cake.
- Pillsbury Sugar Free Chocolate fudge
- brownie mix serves 12
- 1 package s
- Coca-Cola Diet Coke
- 1 can s
- Boar’s Head Dark chocolate dessert hummus
- 8 oz
- Sprinkles 2 Tbsp
- Take cake and mix with a can of Diet Coke bake according to package. Once cooled frost with a container of Boar’s Head Dark Chocolate Hummus. Add some sprinkles for fun!
- 4 points per slice, 12 slices per cake.
Recipe Notes
According to Lia her best friend tried the hummus and said “this tastes like frosting” then the lightbulb went off. Worked great as a cake frosting! her family said it was better than COSTCO CAKE! And they’re a tough crowd. The hummus is like icing but not as artificial and syrupy sweet. Perfect amount of sweetness, everyone was pleased even the diabetics!