Weight Watchers Recipes

Broccoli Cauliflower salad mixed with Ranch Dressing

Why is it sooo good?!? Zero weight watchers  points! This is Dana Show‘s latest addiction!

Keep reading for the delish deets!


Ranch: 1 cup FF blended cottage cheese, until smooth!
1 Tbsp ranch seasoning
1 tap lemon juice

directions to make the ranch  which is a cup of FF cottage cheese and a tbsp of ranch mix seasoning.

Blend it until it’s super smooth. The longer you blend, the thinner it will get. You can also add a tsp of lemon juice if you want. Just start easy on your ranch powder and add slowly if you’re sensitive to too much salt.

and now for the Chopped raw veggies Add Finely chopped broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. mix them with the ranch made with fat free cottage cheese.

Top with salt, pepper, and bagel seasoning!

Add however much ranch according to how many veggies you have.

Notes: if you don’t like cottage cheese a food processor makes it very smooth and it takes on whatever flavor you mix with it. Can’t even tell it’s cottage cheese.

Broccoli Cauliflower salad mixed with Ranch Dressing

Why is it sooo good?!? Zero weight watchers points


  1. Ranch: 1 cup FF blended cottage cheese, until smooth!
  2. 1 Tbsp ranch seasoning
  3. 1 tap lemon juice
  4. directions to make the ranch which is a cup of FF cottage cheese and a tbsp of ranch mix seasoning.
  5. Blend it until it’s super smooth. The longer you blend, the thinner it will get. You can also add a tsp of lemon juice if you want. Just start easy on your ranch powder and add slowly if you’re sensitive to too much salt.
  6. and now for the Chopped raw veggies Add Finely chopped broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. mix them with the ranch made with fat free cottage cheese.
  7. Top with salt, pepper, and bagel seasoning!

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