Air Fryer Recipes

air fryer ribs


  • 1 rack of pork ribs
  • Dry rub or seasoning of your choice
  • Barbecue sauce (optional)


  1. Prepare the ribs: Start by removing the membrane from the back of the ribs, as it can be tough when cooked. To do this, slide a butter knife or your fingers under the membrane and lift it away from the ribs. Use a paper towel for better grip.
  2. Season the ribs: Rub the ribs with your favorite dry rub or seasoning mix. You can use store-bought seasoning or make your own by mixing spices like paprika, brown sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Make sure to coat both sides of the ribs evenly.
  3. Preheat the air fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 375-400°F (190-200°C). The exact temperature may vary depending on your specific air fryer model.
  4. Cook the ribs: Place the seasoned ribs in the air fryer basket in a single layer, with the meaty side facing down. You may need to cut the rack into smaller sections to fit in the basket. Cook the ribs for 25-30 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time.
  5. Baste with barbecue sauce (optional): If you like your ribs with barbecue sauce, you can baste them with your favorite sauce during the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. This will allow the sauce to caramelize and add extra flavor.
  6. Check for doneness: The cooking time can vary depending on the thickness of the ribs and the specific air fryer. To check for doneness, use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature of the ribs reaches 145°F (63°C) for pork. The ribs should also be tender and have a nice crust.
  7. Rest and serve: Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before cutting them into individual pieces. Serve them hot with your favorite sides, such as coleslaw, baked beans, or cornbread.

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