Air Fryer Recipes

Air Fryer Apple Crumble

Prep Time:15 minsCook Time:20 minsTotal Time:35 minsServings:2Yield:2 servingsIngredients1 cup all-purpose flour½ cup white sugar¼ cup cold salted butter, cubed½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon baking powder¼ teaspoon ground nutmegcooking spray2 ½ cups peeled, cored, and diced apples

  • DirectionsPreheat an air fryer to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).Place flour, sugar, and butter in a medium bowl. Use your hands to mix until crumbly. Stir in cinnamon, baking powder, and nutmeg.Spray two 4 1/2-inch ramekins with nonstick cooking spray. Add some crumble to the bottom of ramekins; top with some apples. Repeat 2 more times, ending with mounded crumble on top.Cover the ramekins with large pieces of foil, tucking ends underneath to prevent it from flying off. Air fry until apples are tender, 16 to 20 minutes. Remove foil and air fry until crumble is golden brown, 2 to 4 more minutes.

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