Weight Watchers Recipes

Weight Watchers Strawberry And Cottage Cheese Muffins – 1 Point

These Weight Watchers Strawberry and Cottage Cheese Muffins offer a delightful twist to the traditional muffin recipe, presenting a healthier alternative without compromising on flavor. Packed with wholesome ingredients like fresh dates, fat-free cottage cheese, oats, eggs, and succulent strawberries, each bite bursts with a symphony of flavors and textures.

The recipe begins with the preparation of the dates, which are chopped and softened in hot water, creating a sweet and moist base for the muffins. The addition of baking powder helps to leaven the batter, ensuring a light and fluffy texture. The use of 97% fat-free cottage cheese not only adds creaminess but also boosts the protein content, making these muffins a satisfying snack or breakfast option.

Incorporating quick oats into the batter provides a source of fiber and adds a hearty texture, while the eggs act as a binding agent, holding everything together. The vanilla bean extract enhances the aroma and flavor profile, infusing each muffin with a subtle hint of warmth and sweetness.

One of the highlights of these muffins is the generous inclusion of fresh strawberries. Not only do they contribute a vibrant color, but they also lend a juicy sweetness that balances the earthy tones of the oats and dates. By scattering sliced strawberries on top of the muffins before baking, they become beautifully caramelized, adding a burst of freshness and visual appeal.

Baking these muffins at 180°C for 30 minutes results in a golden exterior and a moist, tender crumb. A simple skewer test ensures they are baked to perfection, ready to be enjoyed warm or cooled. Whether served as a wholesome breakfast, a satisfying snack, or a guilt-free dessert, these Weight Watchers muffins are sure to be a hit with anyone looking for a delicious and nutritious treat.


Fresh dates

12 individual, pitted, roughly chopped

Baking powder

2 tsp

97% fat-free cottage cheese

1 cup(s), (250g)

Quick oats

2 cup(s), (180g)


3 medium

Vanilla bean extract, alcohol free

2 tsp

Fresh strawberries

250 g, sliced


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a 12-hole ⅓ cup (80 ml) capacity muffin tray with paper cases.
  2. Combine dates and 2 tablespoons boiling water in a large microwave–safe bowl. Cover and microwave on High (100%) for 1½ minutes. Stir in baking powder (mixture will foam).
  3. Process cottage cheese in a food processor until smooth. Add oats, eggs, vanilla and date mixture and process until combined (to prevent a dense texture, do not overprocess). Add 200 g strawberries and pulse to combine.
  4. Spoon mixture evenly into paper cases. Scatter over remaining strawberries and lightly press into the mixture. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden and a skewer inserted into the centre of muffins comes out clean. Stand in tray for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack. Serve warm or cooled.

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