soul food

Semo and Ewedu.

Ingredients for making Ewedu Soup:

Ewedu leaves

Ijabe (Traditional broom whisk) or blender


Locust beans


Salt to taste

Cooking direction:

-Pluck the ewedu leaves from the stem

-Rinse the plucked leaves in clean water; Set Aside.

-In a small pot, add the water and potash and leave to heat up

-Once the water starts to boil, add the ewedu leaves and leave to cook for about 7 mins

-Turn off the burner and mash with the broom. Alternatively, if you don’t have the broom, leave the boiled ewedu to cool a little then pour it into a blender and blend.

-Pour the ewedu back into the pot and turn the burner to the lowest.

-Add the salt, crayfish and locust beans.

-Leave it to simmer for 3-5 minus.

Ingredients for making semo

Uncooked semo flour


Turning stick

Cooking direction:

-Heat water on fire to a boiling point then gradually add the semo flour to the water and stir simultaneously and quickly with the turning stick so it doesn’t form lumps

-Add little water to it, cover and cook on low heat for about 7mins

-Turn the semo again

-Bring it down from the fire and turn until a smooth lump is formed.

Serve alongside Ewedu soup. Enjoy…😊

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