Keto Recipes

Low Carb Cream Cheese Crepes

I’m making efforts to make this group serve its purpose (to share recipes). Kindly appreciate my efforts by saying (YUM). This helps more eyes to see my posts. Thank you. Low Carb Cream Cheese Crepes Itssss Yummilicious ðŸ˜‹

Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes

Total Time 25 minutes

Servings 8 to 10 crepes


4 ounces cream cheese softened

4 large eggs

1/2 cup almond flour

1 tbsp coconut flour

1/4 cup heavy cream

2 1/4 tsp truvia (or 3 packets)

oil or butter for the pan


1. In a blender combine cream cheese, eggs, almond flour, coconut flour, heavy cream,& truvia. Puree until well combined and smooth.

2. Set a 8″ skillet over medium heat. Add a light coat of butter or oil to the pan. Once hot add just under a 1/4 cup batter to the pan and swirl it around till it covers the entire base. About a 6″ crepe.

3. Cook util edges are golden brown and can be loosened with a spatula. Lift the pan and give it a shake, loosening the crepe and sliding it to one side.

4. Flip the crepe and cook on the other side util lightly browned. Remove and lay parchment paper or a plate with lid. If you plan to keep lidded simply sperete each crepe with a piece of parchment paper in between to prevent sticking.

5. Fill with anything you like. I love whipped cream sweetened with vanilla and truvia and a few raspberries. Drizzle with sugar free syrup.

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