
Low-calorie Broccoli casserole

will need:
 170 g broccoli
1 medium-sized carrot (100 g)
100 g yellow cheese
3 eggs (M to L size)
Salt (finely ground sea)
Ground pepper melange
Oil for greasing the dish
I cut the broccoli into medium-sized florets. In a small saucepan, I heated water with ½ tsp. salt, put the broccoli and boiled it for 3 minutes or until slightly softened. I drained it in a colander, then chopped it coarsely and put it in a bowl. I grated the carrot and yellow cheese coarsely and added it to the broccoli. I mixed the eggs in a small bowl with a pinch of salt and ground pepper melange and poured the ingredients into the bowl. I mixed well.
I greased the walls and bottom of a small bowl measuring 19x13x6 cm with butter. I poured the ingredients in, smoothed it out and put the dish to bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes or until it was visibly cooked and had an appetizing brown color.

I let it cool slightly and served.
Bon appetit! 
This amount of ingredients makes two servings or three smaller ones. If you are serving more people, double the ingredients.

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