Weight Loss StoriesWeight Watchers Recipes

HOMEMADE WW Vegetable and Meat Soup


  • 10 Roma tomatoes, diced
  • 1 1/2 zucchini, diced
  • 2 cups fresh green beans, chopped
  • 4 celery stalks, diced
  • 2 red peppers, diced
  • 1 green pepper, diced
  • 2 cups mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 16 cups beef or chicken broth (low-sodium)
  • 5 cups cooked lean meat (chicken, turkey, or beef), diced
  • Basil, to taste
  • Thyme leaves, to taste
  • Red pepper flakes, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable spice blend (see photo or use your preferred blend)
  • Olive oil


  1. In a large pot, sauté onions and mushrooms in olive oil until softened.
  2. Cover the sautéed vegetables with the vegetable spice blend and stir.
  3. Add celery, green beans, zucchini, and peppers to the pot. Cover with more vegetable spice and mix well.
  4. Pour a bit of broth into the pot to help simmer the vegetables.
  5. Add diced tomatoes and mix until heated.
  6. Stir in the cooked lean meat.
  7. Cover the mixture with beef or chicken broth.
  8. Season the soup with basil, thyme leaves, red pepper flakes, and black pepper to taste.
  9. Simmer for at least an hour until the tomatoes are disintegrated and the flavors meld.
  10. Taste and adjust the spices if needed.
  11. The soup freezes well for future use.

WW Points (per Serving):

For a typical serving size (1 cup), it’s 2 WW points.

Freezes well! See photos.

Best regards from Southwest Ontario Canada

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