Weight Watchers Recipes

Chicken Dorito Casserole

Back when I was little, my family used to have a nickname for me. It was “Dorito Girl.” I used to love Doritos when I was a kid.  My aunt would make this Dorito Taco Salad, and I’d ask her if she would be bringing that every time there was a family gathering. 


  • 3-4 cooked chicken breasts, shredded or chopped
  • 20 Doritos (any kind) crushed
  • 2 10oz cans of cream of chicken soup (98% ff)
  • ½ cup of salsa (any kind) 
  • ¾ cup  Greek Yogurt 
  • 1 cup Cheddar Cheese (fat free)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spray a 9×13-inch pan with cooking spray.
  2. Crush the entire bag of Doritos and cover the bottom of the dish.

  3. Reserve one cup of cheese and set it aside. 

  4. Mix together the cooked chicken, yogurt, cream of chicken soup, salsa, and cheese  ingredients in a large bowl. Pour chicken mixture over the Doritos.
Top the casserole with the reserved cheese. 
  5. Bake uncovered for 20 min. Top the casserole with the remaining cheese and bake 5 additional minutes or until melted. 

  6. Tip: I like to save some crushed Doritos for the top. 

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