Weight Watchers Recipes

Carrots simple recipe

Use 0 cal spray on a cookie sheet with a small lip.
Cut carrots into sticks or fries. I buy the big carrots and cut them up. Rub them with coconut oil. You can do this in a bowl or just on your cookie sheet. You don’t need much about a teaspoon or so and just take your hands and rub them real good. Then I sprinkle cumin and salt and pepper and bake at @ 400 degrees until a little caramelized and tender.
You’ll need to move them around a little bit with a spatula halfway through.
Then I dip them in just plain fat-free Greek yogurt, and they are fantastic!

Carrots, in their simplicity, offer a canvas for creativity in the kitchen. This recipe takes the humble carrot and transforms it into a delectable treat, perfect for snacking or as a side dish. The combination of fresh carrots, fragrant coconut oil, earthy cumin, and a touch of salt and pepper creates a flavor profile that is both comforting and satisfying.

Preparation begins with cutting the carrots into sticks or fries, allowing for easy dipping and munching. The use of a cookie sheet with a small lip, sprayed with a 0-calorie cooking spray, ensures that the carrots roast evenly without sticking, while the slight lip prevents any juices from spilling over.

Rubbing the carrot sticks with coconut oil adds a subtle sweetness and helps to achieve a crispy caramelization during baking. The hands-on approach of massaging the carrots with the oil ensures that each stick is thoroughly coated, allowing for maximum flavor infusion.

The addition of cumin, salt, and pepper enhances the natural sweetness of the carrots, while imparting a warm, aromatic depth to the dish. Baking the carrots at 400 degrees Fahrenheit until they are tender and slightly caramelized intensifies their flavor, creating a satisfyingly crispy exterior with a soft, melt-in-your-mouth interior.

Halfway through the baking process, a gentle toss with a spatula ensures even cooking and caramelization, guaranteeing that each carrot stick is perfectly roasted to golden perfection.

To elevate this dish even further, the carrots are served with a creamy dip of plain fat-free Greek yogurt. The cool tanginess of the yogurt provides a refreshing contrast to the warm, savory flavors of the roasted carrots, creating a harmonious balance of taste and texture.

Whether enjoyed as a wholesome snack, a flavorful side dish, or a crowd-pleasing appetizer, these roasted carrots with coconut oil, cumin, and yogurt dip are sure to delight the taste buds and leave a lasting impression. Simple yet sensational, this recipe celebrates the natural goodness of carrots while showcasing the magic that happens when a few humble ingredients come together with love and creativity

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