Weight Watchers Recipes
Burnt Honey Sauce for Ice Cream

1/2 cup honey
1 cup heavy cream
Optional: 1/2 teaspoon gluten free Tamari/soy sauce. This is if you are partial to a little salt with your sweet and if you like the Asian direction and are planning to use it with the Sesame Cake.
1. In a medium sauce pan boil the honey until it’s between the soft and hard ball stages. Stir frequently at first, and consistently as it starts to darken. You won’t need a candy thermometer. Judge whether it’s done by the change in color (medium dark brown) and when it just starts to smoke.
2. Remove from the heat, let cool for a minute or two before stirring in the heavy cream. If there are heavy clumps of soft ball stage honey, return it to the heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the clumps melt.