Air Fryer Recipes

Air Fryer puff pastry

I made a couple bacon and cheese turnovers after seeing someone else post them on here, had them for brekkie.

Had some chicken breasts for tea, lurvely, and then some apple pastry’s for afters.

For the stewed apples, I small diced 2x apples, added them to a pan with about 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp maple syrup and 2tbps of water.

Heated it on low for about 10 mins until the apples were soft. I did have to add a little more water near the end.

I cut 2 squares of puff pastry.

On one, I put the apple in the middle and folded edges over, on the other, I scored a border in to the pastry, filled the inner square with apple, then egg washed and put them in the air fryer and cooked for 12 mins at 180c.

I drizzled with some iced sugar and shoved in to my face hole, lovely

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