Air Fryer Recipes

Air Fryer Poached Eggs


  • Eggs (as many as you’d like to poach)
  • Cooking spray or oil (optional, for greasing the air fryer basket)


  1. Preheat Your Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 300°F (150°C) for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. Prepare the Eggs: Crack each egg into a small bowl or ramekin. This makes it easier to slide the egg into the air fryer without breaking the yolk.
  3. Grease the Air Fryer Basket (Optional): Lightly coat the air fryer basket with cooking spray or oil to prevent the eggs from sticking. This step is optional, especially if your air fryer basket is non-stick.
  4. Poach the Eggs:
    • Gently slide each cracked egg into the air fryer basket. Be careful not to break the yolks.
    • Cook the eggs in the air fryer at 300°F (150°C) for about 6-8 minutes, depending on how runny you prefer your yolks. If you like firmer yolks, you can cook them for a few minutes longer.
  5. Check for Doneness: After 6-8 minutes, carefully remove one egg with a spatula to check for desired doneness. The whites should be set, and the yolks can be runny or firm depending on your preference.
  6. Serve: Once done, carefully remove the poached eggs from the air fryer basket using a spatula. Serve immediately on toast, English muffins, or alongside your favorite breakfast sides.


  • Egg Size and Temperature: The cooking time may vary depending on the size and temperature of your eggs and your air fryer model. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.
  • Experiment with Timing: If you prefer softer or firmer yolks, adjust the cooking time by a minute or so until you find the perfect doneness for your taste.
  • Use Ramekins or Bowls: Crack each egg into a separate bowl or ramekin before adding to the air fryer. This helps to prevent any shell fragments from getting into the air fryer basket and makes it easier to slide the egg in without breaking the yolk.

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