Crispy tofu stir fry over ginger coconut rice

I froze a block of tofu then thawed. I squeezed as much water as I could from it and wrapped it in paper towels and placed a plate on top and added weight to squeeze more water out for about 30 minutes. I cut the block into bite-sized pieces and placed the in a bowl. I added Cajun seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper. I poured some canola oil (a couple Tbsps) over the tofu and tossed it together. I added a tablespoon of cornstarch and made sure everything was coated evenly. Lined a baking pan with parchment paper and cooked 10 minutes. Flipped them over and cooked an additional 10 minutes. In a pan I sautéed yellow onion, broccoli, green onion, and a red bell pepper in sesame oil. Added veggies and tofu to a bowl and poured sweet chili sauce over and tossed together. HTH!