Weight Watchers Recipes

Zero point chicken stir fry

Zero point chicken stir fry 👌My 16-year-old likes it and asked for me to make it for her tomorrow 😍

Frozen Tyson Grill Ready Chicken Breast Fillet (1 breast)

1 cup cauliflower rice

1/2 cup carrots and peas

2 eggs

Spray Butter

Salt (to taste)

Pepper (to taste)

Garlic Powder (to taste)

Onion Powder (to taste)

Soy Sauce (to taste)

Heat up a small fry pan and use some spray butter

Add peas and carrots for about 1 min

Add cauliflower rice

Season with the salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder

Let cook for about 5 min

Cook the breast fillet in the microwave for 2 min

While breast is cooking, sprinkle some soy sauce and stir

Make a hole in the middle of the mixture and spray a little butter in on the pan in the hole.

Crack eggs into the space and let them fry up until about 80% cooked.

Cut up the chicken

Stir in the eggs now that they’ve cooked

Add the chicken

Sprinkle a little more soy sauce

Toss in the pan to coat the veggies and chicken

Eat like a savage lion 🥰 (thats what I did lol)

0 ww point

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