
2 Ingredient Pancakes

Healthy 2 Ingredient Pancakes for Weight Watchers

I love scrambled eggs. I love the way my husband makes them. OH SO GOOD! But they are NOT Weight Watchers friendly. With his eggs (and lots of cheese and butter) with toast (again with butter) it is easily a 12 point breakfast. I only get 23 points a day, so that doesn’t exactly work. And it makes me sad. We have found a way to lighten the eggs up a little, with a little less cheese and butter, and they still taste good but it is still 9 points. TOO MUCH! So what is a girl to do when she wants something good for breakfast and isn’t eggs? 0 Point pancakes. 

Gluten Free Pancake

Because these pancakes are only 2 ingredients, with no flour involved, it makes a great idea for anyone who needs to avoid gluten. 

0 Point Weight Watcher Pancakes

Let me start, these are not traditional pancakes. They are not light and fluffy. But, it does taste good. It does fill me up. So that is something. When I add sugar-free syrup, it makes it even better. 

Now when I say they are 0 point pancakes that is on the blue and purple plan. When I originally wrote this post, there was only the one plan. On Green, these Weight Watchers pancakes are 4 points for the batch.


  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Eggs
  • Vanilla (optional


  • Mash the banana and mix the egg together with the banana.
  • Add Vanilla if you choose.
  • Spray a skillet with Pam or other 0 Point spray.
  • Pour batter in. Let it cook on one side.
  • Flip and cook the other side.
  • Serve with sugar-free syrup or fresh fruit.

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